STEM Building Toys for Kids of All Ages
With so many STEM building toy options out there, it can be overwhelming to decide which one will fill the needs of your students or children. I have compiled a list of 20 favorite building toys that will provide opportunities for both creativity and learning. They are broken down by type so you can easily find what you are looking for!
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Simple STEM Building Toys
Don’t let the word simple throw you off here. One of my all-time favorite building toys is KEVA wooden planks. You can do SO much with them (head to that linked post for some ideas to get started)!
Recommended age range: 3+ for all but PVC pipes, here I recommend 6+ as they can be a bit tricky to fit together.
How to tie in to STEM learning: Structure building, learning about stability, simple machines (ramps), and creating simple ping pong ball shooters or marshmallow guns (with the pipes).

STEM Challenge Shown – The Yellow Brick Road Gets Upcycled
Get Simple STEM Building Toys
PVC pipes (your favorite local hardware store)
Magnetic STEM Building Toys
Magnets are so great for kids who are not quite ready for the fine-motor skills necessary to use interlocking bricks. They are also just so cool!
Recommended age range: 3+ though check manufacturer warnings and never use small magnetic balls with children! Routinely check any contained magnetic toys to make sure all toys are intact and no magnets can come out.
How to tie in to STEM learning: Force! The Earth (the earth is a giant magnet)! Magnetic force is used in everything from microwaves to speakers to motors, and more. Find out some interesting magnet facts for kids at Cool Kid Facts or Ducksters. You can also use geometric magnetic toys to learn about polyhedrons and build some amazing structures.
Get Magnetic STEM Building Toys
Find magformers, tegu, and magnatile links below:
Interlocking STEM Building Toys
STEM building toys that snap or link together are great for creating intricate designs. Try linking cubes, legos, brain flakes, zometool, Brackitz, hasthtag (or plus plus) blocks, and K’nex!
Recommended age range: 5+
How to tie in to STEM learning: Kids can learn about connection interfaces, overlapping techniques for strength, and design and create amazing structures with any of these! They will also get a hands-on feel for gravity and center of mass when building. There aren’t too many STEM lessons that can’t be accomplished with one of these. Legos are a personal favorite. I have even created a series of STEM challenges using LEGOs that will keep your little engineers busy all year long.
Don’t get put off by the name “Brain Flakes” though I know it might sound a little odd!

STEM Challenge Shown – STEM Mats Basic Set
Get Interlocking STEM Building Toys
Flexible STEM Building Toys
While I’m not sure pipe cleaners can usually be classified as a toy instead of a craft supply, if there is any situation where they can, it’s with respect to STEM. Pipe cleaners can be used to build towers, fasten objects together, or provide stability to straws.
Recommended age range: 5+
How to tie in to STEM learning: Building structures, creative STEAM objects, and more.

STEM Challenge Shown – Power Transmission Challenge
Get Flexible STEM Building Toys
Other STEM Building Toys
These toys didn’t really fit into the other sections but a STEM toys list would not be complete without listing marble runs. Toothpicks can be used with just about any gummy candy, marshmallows, styrofoam balls, or jellybeans to create some serious structures. If your students are interested in toothpick structures, I highly recommend trying to find an exhibit at a museum or even online so they can see just how amazing toothpicks can be!
Recommended age range: 5+
How to tie in to STEM learning: Building structures, learning about momentum, force and motion, gravity.
Get These STEM Building Toys
Which STEM building toy gets the most play in your classroom or makerspace? Add your comment below!
Make sure to save this post to come back at holiday shopping time or when your makerspace gets funded:
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