STEM Gifts for the Holidays 
A Holiday Poem for Shopping
I heard this poem years ago and try to stick to it when shopping for my own kids. I know that holidays can tend to get crazy, and there is so much pressure to buy, buy, buy, but this poem has really served me well. I highly recommend trying it with your own kids! Yes, there are some years where it’s more than just one “thing” (can you ever really have too many books?), but it also helps tame expectations, especially as kids get older, gifts get smaller in size but larger in price tag!
For shopping, try:
Something they want,
Something they need,
Something to wear,
Something to read.
This STEM list has been created in much the same way, with recommendations to choose from. (*The links in this post are affiliate links. If you click through and purchase, I receive compensation. You can read my full disclosure here.)
Something You Want
Here are some things you, or your gift recipients, may want. First up are robots and coding! Click on the photo below to get all my favorite robotics and coding gift recommendations:
My favorite gift to give kids are building toys!
Something You Need
Every teacher and parent needs basic supplies! Get that pencil sharpener that lasts, a rolling cart, a new insulated mug (because who are we kidding, your coffee will never stay hot long enough in that mug), or some more flair pens. While I find this part of the poem often overlaps with something to wear, it can also serve to remind you to take care of those basic needs. Maybe you need a warmer pair of gloves, a babysitter to have a dinner date, or a spa weekend. Remember that gifts don’t always have to be tangible! If you have loved ones that ask what they can get you, think outside the box and ask for what you need, even if it’s time or support.
Something to Wear
Get your favorite new STEM t-shirt or baby onesie over at Zazzle! Or find some cute socks (which make such easy and fun gifts).
Something to Read
It’s no secret I love books. New STEM books are coming out all the time so be sure to bookmark these lists for new updates:
Bonus Ideas – Subscription STEM Gifts that Give ALL YEAR LONG!
Maybe you have a budding engineer, or you aren’t quite sure which STEM gift that favorite kid in your life will like. Why not offer them a variety of opportunities to explore STEM by signing them up for a year long subscription? Here are some of our favorites:
Creation Crate
For your tweens, teens, and even young adult kids. You will receive an Arduino-compatible microcontroller, electronic components, and access to online courses so that you can learn more about electronics!
Groovy Lab in a Box
For kids ages 8 and up, your recipient will receive a lab notebook, an engineering design challenge, and all the supplies needed to complete the challenge:
Amazon STEM Club
Find the perfect gift for your kid by age (3 options available). Receive something new each month! I have received everything from snap circuits to building kids to fossil digs:
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